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HomeProduct name listBromfenac Sodium

Bromfenac Sodium

  • CAS NO.:120638-55-3
  • Empirical Formula: C15H11BrNNaO3
  • Molecular Weight: 356.15
  • MDL number: MFCD23843787
  • EINECS: 695-342-6
  • Update Date: 2023-09-01 17:37:15
Bromfenac Sodium Structural Picture

What is Bromfenac Sodium?


Duract was launched in the US as a potent, orally-active, long lasting peripheral analgesic with antiinflammatory properties. It is structurally similar to ketoprofen and diclofenac and can be prepared in three steps from 2-amino-4’-bromophenone using Gassman’s oxindole synthesis. Duract’s biological effects are a result of its ability to reduce prostaglandin production through inhibition of cyclooxygenase. As a 4-bromo derivative of Amfenac, this modification increased the duration of analgesic activity and antiinflammatory potency. It was also free of any CNS, cardiovascular or autonomic effects. In comparison, 5 mg of Duract was equipotent to 650 mg of ASA and 25 mg was slightly more potent than 400 mg of Ibuprofen.

The Uses of Bromfenac Sodium

Bromfenac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent.

Properties of Bromfenac Sodium

Melting point: 268-270°C (dec.)
storage temp.  Refrigerator

Safety information for Bromfenac Sodium

Computed Descriptors for Bromfenac Sodium

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