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HomeProduct name listBeryllium Pyrosulfate

Beryllium Pyrosulfate

  • Empirical Formula: BeO7S2
  • Molecular Weight: 185.137982
Beryllium Pyrosulfate Structural

What is Beryllium Pyrosulfate?


Beryllium pyrosulfate is not stable in aqueous solution and so must be prepared via a solid-state reaction. It would have the molecular formula of BeS2O7 and the molecular weight of 185.1401 g/mol. It could be prepared by the reaction involving “fuming” sulfuric acid (oleum) with beryllium sulfate:
[Be(OH)]2SO4+(H2SO4)n ? 2BeS2O7+(n+2) H2O
The [Be(OH)]2SO4 salt is added to the oleum and allowed to dissolve in an excess of acid. The acid is heated to 150–175°C to drive off the water. This is an equivalent of using H2S2O7. The solution is allowed to equilibrate and crystals of the anhydrous salt appear. These are separated and allowed to dry. Beryllium disulfate is stable and may be heated to a red heat before it begins to decompose to the sulfate and SO3.

Safety information for Beryllium Pyrosulfate

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