The Pioneer Magnesia Works Pvt. Ltd.

Main products: Magnesium chloride,Magnesium sulfate,Magnesium chloride hexahydrate,Magnesium Sulphate

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The Pioneer Magnesia Works Pvt. Ltd.
Country: India
Tel: +917925507587
Mobile: 79-25507587
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PMW is the World's third oldest producer of magnesium compounds. From its very inception and by the standards set by their ancestors, the Company is committed to social and economic upliftment of this backward and arid region. It has made substantial contributions towards its development. PMW has donated a school and a hospital and continues to contribute to the betterment of the local population.

PMW has a strong commitment to the natural environment of the fragile ecosystem of the Little Rann of Kachh, a notified wilderness area of 4953 sq. kms. It is not only the last known habitat of the endangered Asiatic wild ass (equus hemionus khur) but plays host to a variety of cranes, storks, raptors along with the few remaining gazelles, wolves, desert foxes and numerous other wild species.