Jaishil Sulphur And Chemical Industries

Main products: Hariyali DF,Ziddi DF,Tashvin WG,Tashvin Ultra,Eshin

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Jaishil Sulphur And Chemical Industries
Country: India
Tel: 91-22-61407900
Mobile: 91-22-61407900
E-mail: support@jaishilsulphur.com
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Global Presence

Jaishil is a global leader in sulphur-based formulations used for crop enhancement, and is one of the largest manufacturers in the world with a capacity of over 50,000 MT per annum. Jaishil’s footprint spans across Australia, North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia in over 30 countries.

Inception in 1979

Jaishil has a long history in developing effective and economical products for industrial and agricultural use. During its inception in 1979, Jaishil supplied sulphur rolls to the sugar industry, for bleaching brown sugar. Since 1984, Jaishil has formed ties with well-known automobile tyre and rubber manufacturers such as CEAT, MRF, Bridgestone and Apollo etc. to meet their needs of sulphur powder. It is a vital component that facilitates vulcanization of rubber.

Expansion in agriculture

In the beginning of 1990s, Jaishil recognized an increasing deficiency of sulphur in the Indian soil and that farmers would need sulphur-based fertilizers to optimize their crop’s yield and quality. To meet these requirements, Jaishil started manufacturing sulphur-based formulations such as wettable powder and dust. They were widely successful and even recommended by the Tea Research Foundation in India for use as a fungicide and miticide.

Innovations in sulphur

In the early 2000’s, Jaishil introduced their key products: Sulphur 80% and 90% WDG. They were designed to be new generation products that would reduce the application rate of sulphur fertilizers by almost four-times and increase its usage owing to higher efficacy and stability. Jaishil’s Sulphur 80% WDG was widely accepted by companies world-wide because it dispersed instantly in water and formed a stable suspension allowing farmers across the globe to use it in foliar application. In addition, it was also compatible with other crop protecting/ enhancing products, saving farmer’s investments needed for separate applications. It is also for this reason that Jaishil’s products are renowned pan-India: Sulphur 80% WDG, is known under the trade name “Hariyali DF” and “Profit”, and Sulphur 90% WDG, is known under the trade name “Hariyali Super 90 WG”.

Introducing economical solutions with technological advancement

In late 2010’s, Jaishil became the first company in India to manufacture and supply the lowest dosage zinc fertilizer, under the trade name “NutriZin 700”. It has proven to be an economical, safe and effective alternate to other soluble sources of zinc such as sulphates and chelates. This is because, Jaishil’s NutriZin 700 is derived from pharmaceutical grade zinc oxide, and hence free from harmful impurities; it is extremely flexible in its time of application, and its absorption is not hampered by varying soil properties.