Dinakara Life Sciences Private Limited

Main products: Carisoprodol,4-(2-Methoxyethyl)-phenol,Clopidogrel bisulphate,Fluconazole,Telmisartan

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Dinakara Life Sciences Private Limited
Country: India
Tel: +918668856516
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E-mail: rk@dinakaralifesciences.com
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Dinakara Life Sciences Private Limited (DLSPL) is a Private incorporated on 01 March 2017. It manufactures and markets pharmaceutical products. Dinakara is a bulk drug manufacturer, supplying other pharmaceutical companies with input material that then goes into the final drug. Dinakara Life Sciences Private Limited not only carries out its own manufacturing activities but also provides contract manufacturing services to its customers globally by maintaining its own quality standards and fulfilling customer specific requirements. 

The registered capital of the company is INR 805 million and paid up capital is INR 600 million. As of 31 March 2023, the company has filed its annual financial statements and the status is active. The directors of the company include Kavita Pidimarri and Mahesh Pidimarri.During the financial year 2023, DLSPL has witnessed a significant growth in revenue by 19.53 per cent but a significant decline in profitability by 359.75 per cent and a decrease in net worth by 5.99 per cent.