Supplier Type
- contract manufacturer
- Manufacturer
- custom synthesis
- Trader
- Reagent
Supplier Region
- Hyderabad(30)
- Telangana(61)
- Gujarat(89)
- Maharashtra(103)
- NaviMumbai(1)
- Uttar Pradesh(3)
- Mumbai(15)
- New Delhi(5)
- Kerela(1)
- AndhraPradesh(8)
- Karnataka(13)
- Haryana(5)
- Ahmedabad(6)
- Madhya Pradesh(4)
- West Bengal(1)
- Tamil Nadu(4)
- Punjab(1)
- Rajasthan(1)
- Kolkata(1)
- Bangalore(5)
- Vadodara(1)
- Pune(1)
- NLT-98%
- 99.90
- 99.88
- 99.82
- 99.80
- 99.70
- 99.60
- 99.50
- 99.49
- 99.20
- 99.10
- 99.01
- 99.00
- 99%
- 98+
- 98.90
- 98.70
- 98.60
- 98.30
- 98.10
- 98% to 99%
- 98%
- >98%
- 97.80
- 97.23
- 97.02
- 97.00
- 97%
- 96.10
- 96%
- 95.50
- 95.30
- 95.18
- 95%
- 91.30
- 90 % Above
- 0.98
- 0As per requirement
- 2MG
- 5MG
- 10MG
- 15MG
- 20MG
- 23MG
- 25mg
- 40MG
- 50MG
- 51MG
- 55MG
- 70MG
- 100MG
- 110MG
- 112MG
- 120MG
- 125MG
- 130MG
- 150MG
- 160MG
- 165MG
- 170MG
- 180MG
- 190MG
- 200MG
- 215MG
- 220mg
- 225MG
- 245MG
- 250MG
- 260MG
- 280MG
- 290MG
- 300MG
- 312MG
- 320MG
- 321MG
- 350MG
- 400MG
- 422MG
- 450MG
- 500MG
- 550MG
- 570MG
- 600MG
- 650MG
- 690MG
- 700MG
- 750mg
- 800MG
- 820MG
- 255025 to 50 kg
- 830MG
- 850MG
- 890MG
- 900MG
- 940MG
- 1g
- 2GM
- 3GM
- 4GM
- 5g
- 5ML
- 5GM
- 6GM
- 8GM
- 100500100mg or 500 mg
- 50010500 mg and 1.0 gm
- 1000MG
- 1GM
- 9GM
- 10g
- 15GM
- 25GM
- 25g
- 50g
- 25125kg and 1 MT
- 10GM
- 20GM
- 100GM
- 100g
- 500g
- 1kg
- 5kg
- 10kg
- 20Kg
- 25kg
- 50Kg
- 100Kg
- 1000kg
- 1 kg
- 1MT
- 5 kg
- 10 kg
- 10mt
- 25kgs
- 25kgs fiber /hdpe drums
- 50kgs
- 111.1 GM
- 121.2 GM
- 131.3 GM
- 141.4 GM
- 151.5 GM
- 161.6 GM
- 181.8 GM
- 191.9 GM
- 212.1 GM
- 222.2 GM
- 232.3 GM
- 252.5 GM
- 262.6 GM
- 282.8 GM
- 343.4 GM
- 353.5 GM
- 383.8 GM
- 454.5 GM
- 474.7 GM
- 1001100mg and 1 g
- 555.5 GM
- 818.1 GM
- 1151.15 GM
- 1351.35 GM
- 1471.47 GM
- 2352.35 GM
- 3253.25 GM
- 4154.15 GM
- 1
- 1161.16 GM
- 1251.25 GM
- 1881.88 GM
- 2152.15 GM
- 2652.65 GM
- 2852.85 GM
Imatinib Impurity 72
N-Desmethyl Imatinib
IMatinib iMpurity
Imatinib (Piperidine)-N-oxide
iMatinib related substance B
Imatinib EP Impurity CQ: What is Imatinib EP Impurity C Q: What is the CAS Number of Imatinib EP Impurity C
Calcium lactogluconate 52080-72-5
Quetiapine fumarate 111974-72-2
2-Chloromethyl-4-methyl-quinazoline 109113-72-6
Quetiapine Fumarate (BP) 111974-72-2