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HomeProduct name listLanolin Alcohol

Lanolin Alcohol

Synonym(s):Wool alcohols

What is Lanolin Alcohol?

The Uses of Lanolin Alcohol

lanolin alcohol is widely used as an emulsifier and emollient in water-in-oil systems. It absorbs a considerable amount of water that is then slowly released for moisturization purposes. Lanolin alcohol is a mixture of organic alcohols obtained from the hydrolysis of lanolin. It may cause skin sensitivity and allergic reactions.


Lanolin alcohols are a complex combination of organic alcohols obtained by the hydrolysis of lanolin. It is administered as an ointment base with topical insulin and has shown to be antagonistic to wound healing. It is commonly used in allergenic testing.


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Properties of Lanolin Alcohol

Melting point: >56°
Boiling point: 220-420℃ at 1.016hPa
Density  0.953 at 20℃
solubility  Practically insoluble in water, soluble in boiling anhydrous ethanol and in methylene chloride, slightly soluble in ethanol (90 per cent V/V).

Safety information for Lanolin Alcohol

Computed Descriptors for Lanolin Alcohol

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