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Homecompany10124-43-3 Cobalt(II) sulfate 98%

10124-43-3 Cobalt(II) sulfate 98%

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Packge 1kg5kg10kg25125kg and 1 MT
  • Min. Order:1kg
  • Time:2024-03-13

Product Details

  • Product NameCobalt(II) sulfate
  • CAS No.10124-43-3
  • EINECS No.233-334-2
  • MFCoO4S
  • MW155
  • Appearancered orthorhombic crystalsred orthorhombic crystals, crystalline
  • density d425 3.71
  • Melting point decomposes at 1140℃ [JAN85]
  • Water Solubility dissolves slowly in boiling H2O [MER06]; g/100g solution H2O: 19.7 ± 0.1 (0°C), 27.2 ± 0.1 (25°C), 27.8 (100°C); solid phase, CoSO4 · 7H2O (0°C, 25°C), CoSO4 ·H2O (100°C) [KRU93]

Company Profile Introduction

Welcome To Rudraksha Allied Chemical Pvt. Ltd.

We are living in an age of unprecedented progress in the chemical industry with numerous inventions. And this is just the beginning. As an experienced and leading company, Rudraksha Allied Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. has an inherent stake in this and clear responsibility. Chemicals are as relevant as ever to the future success of our world. Our goal is to manufacture innovative products adhering to the highest quality and safety standards. We foster a culture of innovation by putting research and development at the heart of our operations. We have some of the best and brightest people in the field who work for us.

We are pioneers in manufacturing Calcium Nitrate at Nagpur (India). For over two decades we have been manufacturing the different forms of Calcium Nitrate viz. Liquid, Melt & Crystals. We also manufacture Calcium Nitrate Solution/Liquid (45% / 50% / 55%) and qualified products of Calcium Nitrate Crystals (Tetrahydrate). We also have a Concentrated Nitric Acid (99%) plant which produces pure Dilute Sulfuric Acid as a by-product. We use this Dilute Sulfuric Acid in manufacturing Sulphates.

Our customers are spread across the world in regions like India, Dubai, Muscat (Oman), Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Australia, USA, etc. We look forward to catering to Europe, South Africa, and Latin America.


Our customers are spread across the world in regions like India, Japan, Dubai, Muscat (Oman), Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Australia, USA, etc. We look forward to catering to Europe, South Africa, and Latin America.

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Rudraksha Allied Chemical Pvt Ltd

1Y Maharashtra India
  • Since:2021-03-01
  • Address: "ST 105 Shewalkar Towers, Daga Layout_x000D_ North Ambazhari Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra-440 010, Ind