Vineet Life Sciences Private Limited

Main products: cosmeceuticals lngredients,Active Pharma Ingredient,Fine Chemicals and Reagents

Current Location: Manufacturer >> Vineet Life Sciences Private Limited
Enterprise Certification: Learn more about us >
Vineet Life Sciences Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company specialized in Pharmaceutical intermediates & fine chemicals. Vineet Life Sciences Private Limited is widely acknowledged for its abilities in product development & process technology and therefore is the preferred source for many multinational companies for their outsourcing requirements. Our infrastructure is very versatile & is specially designed to address the requirements of carrying out complex and hazardous chemical process safely and efficiently. Our personnel are highly skilled at handling different kind of process chemistry. The plant has been successfully audited by several multinational companies for compliance to the guidelines of the quality system recommended by the ICHQ7 standard.Manufacturing facility: Our USFDA registered company is located at Janga Maheshwara Padu (Village), Durgi (Mandal), Guntur (Dist). Andhra Pradesh, India.Management: Vineet Life Sciences Board of Directors com...

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Vineet Life Sciences Private Limited
Country: India
Tel: +91- 9642200049
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