Lords Chloro Alkali Limited

Main products: Caustic Soda Lye,Liquid Chlorine,Hydrogen Gas,Hydrochloric Acid,Sodium Hypochlorite

Current Location: Manufacturer >> Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
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Business Overview Lords Chloro Alkali Ltd. (LCAL) was incorporated in 1979, for producing and exporting a wide range of chemicals in the market in North India. LCAL has built sophisticated manufacturing facilities at Alwar (Rajasthan), having locational advantage in chloro-alkali deficit region. A well-integrated Caustic-Soda Plant is presently upgraded to 220 t.p.d. Laden, with a production potential to tap by-products, both functional and non-functional.The company is strategically located in the heart of North India. We supply our products to most of the paper, soap, dyes, chemicals and plastic industries based at the western part of UP, Haryana, Punjab & Delhi. Besides this, there is also in-house consumption of Chlorine. As far as the disposal and utilization of chlorine by-products is concerned we have earned a very satisfactory position. We are capable of supplying many ancillary units of CPW chlorine within a radius of 1 KM. Rest of the chlorine is consumed by various paper...

Business Scope:

We are specialty chemicals and intermediates manufacturers, also can do CRO

Type of Enterprise:




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Contact Supplier
Lords Chloro Alkali Limited
Country: India
Tel: +91-9818832747
Mobile: +91-9818832747
E-mail: contact@lordschloro.com
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