DCW Limited

Main products: detergents,pharmaceuticals

Current Location: Manufacturer >> DCW Limited
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lncorporated in January 1939 taking over. lndlas first Soda Ash factories in Dhanghadra,Gujarat, we are now amongst the countrysfastest growing multi-product, multi-locationchemical companles.With a successful record of innovating andpioneering new products and processes, wehave a strong presence in the Chlor-Akall,Soda Ash and PVC business segments.ourcompetitive edge is further enhanced by thediversity of our product portfolio movingtowards high value add speclalty chemicals.A nlche and diverslfled product mix combined wlth ourrelentless commitment to quallty has enabled us to trulycompete on the global stage so that today, DCw meetscustomer demand across the globe from North Amerlca tothe EU as well as Aslan markets. our product range provldes key ingredients acrossmultiple Industrles from agrlcultural products to detergents, food,pharmaceuticals, plgments, fertlllzers,alumina and other Industrlal products.

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Belgium Sweden Australia Vietnam 

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Contact Supplier
DCW Limited
Country: India
Tel: +91 22 22871914
E-mail: delhi@dcwltd.com
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