Shanghai Biolang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Main products: SARMS,Growth hormone,Anabolic Steroids,Local anesthesia,SEX Powder

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Company Name:Shanghai Biolang Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Tel:+86-15970428662 +86-13397199602
Product Total:642
CB Index:58
      Shanghai Beilang was established in 2004. Its headquarter and foreign trade department are located in Shanghai, its R&D center is located in Optics Valley Bio-City, its logistics center is located in Wuhan Biomedical Park, and its production bases are located in Luotian, Tongshan, Dongying, Pingxiang and other places. Beilang Bio's business involves the research and development of innovative drugs, the screening of compound crystal forms, the custom synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates and APIs, and the import and export business, as well as the outsourcing procurement and agent sales of pharmaceutical chemicals. In order to better serve customers, Beilang Bio has assembled a R&D team composed of 5 Ph.Ds, which can carry out process development and pilot scale-up production of multiple projects at the same time. At the same time, it has established more than 5,000 square meters of cGMP production. The base has passed the FDA's ready-made review, which can realize the g-kg-t rapid response of pharmaceutical intermediates. Not only that, it has also built a 1,000-square-meter logistics center in Wuhan, a thoroughfare of nine provinces, and has a spot reserve worth more than 10 million. , It can realize the quick response to 1w orders in a single day. Beilang Biology has cooperated with many well-known universities and scientific research institutions such as Wuhan University, Shanghai University, China Medical University, China Pharmaceutical University, Shenyang Pharmaceutical University, Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, China Institute of Biotechnology in the development of new drugs. Cooperation. At the same time, it has extensively cooperated with major pharmaceutical companies such as CSPC, Huayao Group, and Langbo Pharmaceutical to jointly develop export business. For a long time, colleagues regard Biolang as a long-term and reliable partner. We also hope to carry out more cooperation with colleagues in the industry, and work towards a better tom
Product Name MF CAS Details
LY 2784544 C23H25ClFN7O 1229236-86-5
Gestodene C21H26O2 60282-87-3
Triamcinolone acetonide C24H31FO6 76-25-5
Suramin C51H34N6Na6O23S6 129-46-4
1,3-Dimethyladamantane C12H20 702-79-4
Halobetasol propionate C25H31ClF2O5 66852-54-8
Fluocinonide C26H32F2O7 356-12-7
Curcumin C21H20O6 458-37-7
Drostanolone enanthate C27H44O3 13425-31-5
Testosterone Cypionate C27H40O3 58-20-8
Drostanolone Propionate C23H36O3 521-12-0
Trenbolone C18H22O2 10161-33-8
Androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione C19H24O2 1420-49-1
RU 58841 C17H18F3N3O3 154992-24-2
Testosterone C19H28O2 58-22-0
Exemestane C20H24O2 107868-30-4
Boldenone Cypionate C27H38O3 106505-90-2
Testosterone undecanoate C30H48O3 5949-44-0
Tadalafil C22H19N3O4 171596-29-5
DIANABOL C20H28O2 72-63-9
Methandienone C20H28O2 72-63-9
Testosterone Propionate C22H32O3 57-85-2
Nandrolone Decanoate C28H44O3 360-70-3
Trenbolone Enanthate C20H28O2 1629618-98-9
Trenbolone Acetate C20H24O3 10161-34-9
MK-2866 C19H14F3N3O3 1202044-20-9
MK-2866 C19H14F3N3O3 1202044-20-9
4-chloro-17a-methyl androst-1,4 diene-3-17b-dione C20H27ClO2 2446-23-3
EIDD-2801 C13H19N3O7 2349386-89-4
Testosterone Acetate C21H30O3 1045-69-8
Testosterone Isocaproate C25H38O3 15262-86-9
Testosterone Decanoate C29H46O3 5721-91-5
Testosterone Enanthate C26H40O3 315-37-7
Methasteron C21H34O2 3381-88-2
Methenolone enanthate C27H42O3 303-42-4
Methenolone acetate C22H32O3 434-05-9
Oxymetholone C21H32O3 434-07-1
Boldenone Acetate 846-46-0
Testosterone Phenylpropionate C28H36O3 1255-49-8
Boldenone undecylenate C30H44O3 13103-34-9
Epitalon C14H22N4O9 307297-39-8
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