BIOZOL Diagnostics Vertrieb GmbH

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Company Name:BIOZOL Diagnostics Vertrieb GmbH
Product Total:4
      BIOZOL - World of Science distribution service We provide you more than 25 Million products of more than 260 partner companies around the world. For our customers we overcome national borders, customs and import regulations. So, you receive for your research or diagnostics the perfect product, wherever it is manufactured. We provide you this service for all manufacturers worldwide, even though if they are no official partners of BIOZOL. Hence, you are only a mouse-click away from your desired lifescience or laboratory diagnostic products. This service is completed by our customer support team of scientists with many years of experience in research.
Product Name MF CAS Details
2-Octanol C8H18O 123-96-6
4-Fluorobenzenethiol C6H5FS 371-42-6
Ethanolamine C2H7NO 141-43-5
2-Ethyl-1-hexanol C8H18O 104-76-7
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